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Chapter (19) sūrat maryam (Mary)
Translation | Arabic word | Syntax and morphology |
(19:50:1) wawahabnā And We bestowed | CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and) V – 1st person plural perfect verb PRON – subject pronoun الواو عاطفة فعل ماض و«نا» ضمير متصل في محل رفع فاعل | |
(19:50:2) lahum to them | P – prefixed preposition lām PRON – 3rd person masculine plural personal pronoun جار ومجرور | |
(19:50:3) min of | P – preposition حرف جر | |
(19:50:4) raḥmatinā Our Mercy, | N – genitive feminine noun PRON – 1st person plural possessive pronoun اسم مجرور و«نا» ضمير متصل في محل جر بالاضافة | |
(19:50:5) wajaʿalnā and We made | CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and) V – 1st person plural perfect verb PRON – subject pronoun الواو عاطفة فعل ماض و«نا» ضمير متصل في محل رفع فاعل | |
(19:50:6) lahum for them | P – prefixed preposition lām PRON – 3rd person masculine plural personal pronoun جار ومجرور | |
(19:50:7) lisāna a truthful mention, | N – accusative masculine noun اسم منصوب | |
(19:50:8) ṣid'qin a truthful mention, | N – genitive masculine indefinite noun اسم مجرور | |
(19:50:9) ʿaliyyan high. | ADJ – accusative masculine singular indefinite adjective صفة منصوبة | |
(19:51:1) wa-udh'kur And mention | CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and) V – 2nd person masculine singular imperative verb الواو عاطفة فعل أمر | |
(19:51:2) fī in | P – preposition حرف جر | |
(19:51:3) l-kitābi the Book, | N – genitive masculine noun اسم مجرور | |
(19:51:4) mūsā Musa. | PN – accusative masculine proper noun → Musa اسم علم منصوب | |
(19:51:5) innahu Indeed, he | ACC – accusative particle PRON – 3rd person masculine singular object pronoun حرف نصب والهاء ضمير متصل في محل نصب اسم «ان» | |
(19:51:6) kāna was | V – 3rd person masculine singular perfect verb فعل ماض | |
(19:51:7) mukh'laṣan chosen | N – accusative masculine indefinite (form IV) passive participle اسم منصوب | |
(19:51:8) wakāna and was | CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and) V – 3rd person masculine singular perfect verb الواو عاطفة فعل ماض | |
(19:51:9) rasūlan a Messenger, | N – accusative masculine indefinite noun اسم منصوب | |
(19:51:10) nabiyyan a Prophet. | N – accusative masculine indefinite noun اسم منصوب | |
(19:52:1) wanādaynāhu And We called him | CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and) V – 1st person plural (form III) perfect verb PRON – subject pronoun PRON – 3rd person masculine singular object pronoun الواو عاطفة فعل ماض و«نا» ضمير متصل في محل رفع فاعل والهاء ضمير متصل في محل نصب مفعول به | |
(19:52:2) min from | P – preposition حرف جر | |
(19:52:3) jānibi (the) side | N – genitive masculine active participle اسم مجرور | |
(19:52:4) l-ṭūri (of) the Mount | N – genitive masculine noun اسم مجرور | |
(19:52:5) l-aymani the right, | ADJ – genitive masculine singular adjective صفة مجرورة | |
(19:52:6) waqarrabnāhu and brought him near | CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and) V – 1st person plural (form II) perfect verb PRON – subject pronoun PRON – 3rd person masculine singular object pronoun الواو عاطفة فعل ماض و«نا» ضمير متصل في محل رفع فاعل والهاء ضمير متصل في محل نصب مفعول به | |
(19:52:7) najiyyan (for) conversation. | N – accusative masculine singular indefinite noun اسم منصوب |