If you use the Quranic Arabic Corpus in academic research, please tell us so that we can cite your paper. The comments below highlight worldwide user feedback from academic reseachers, Quranic scholars and students of Arabic, who have found the Quranic Arabic Corpus useful:
Yousuf M. Islam 29th April, 2011 I regularly use your work on the Qur'an and read it whenever I can. |
RN 28th April, 2011 Im brand new at this. I am really interested in learning and understanding the Quran. |
Jasmin Mahmutovic 28th April, 2011 Salam Alaykum. May Allah reward you for your effort for making this project. |
Bilal Muhammad 27th April, 2011 I love this site so much that I would pay for it. Thanks for all that you do. |
Furqan Qureshi 26th April, 2011 Dear Kais, |
Rajaa Redwan 22nd April, 2011 Dear Dr, |
Abby Starri 22nd April, 2011 Sir, Salaam Alaikum. |
Muhamad Rida 22nd April, 2011 Thank you for this excellent website. |
Muhammad Shuhir Idris 20th April, 2011 Currently, this is the only web site that explains the Quran using a semantic ontology. Well done to the Quranic Arabic Corpus team. |
Syifa Sjah 20th April, 2011 Hi. I'm a student at Al Huda Institute and I use this online Qur'an website often. It's such a valuable resource and I thank you so much for making it available to the public. I myself am still a complete beginner in the sciences of the Arabic language. I hope this reaches you in good health. |
Dr. Abdul Razzaq 20th April, 2011 Assalam-o-Aleikum. |
Nadeem Raza 20th April, 2011 Asslam o Alakum Brother. Mashallah, the Quranic Arabic Corpus is a beautiful effort. I listen to and read the Quran's meanings through this website. |
Zahid 19th April, 2011 Salamun alaykum Brother Kais, |
Mohd Khir Abu Yan 19th April, 2011 Assalamualaikum Dear Brother, |
Taj Uddin 18th April, 2011 Assalaamualikum Brother Kais. I would like to express my appreciation for your work on the Quran. MashaAllah, well done. Taqaballahu minka. |
Dr Nasrullah Khan 14th April, 2011 Respected Kais, |
Michelle Neese 9th April, 2011 Salamu alaikum. I wish to say that I am pleased to have found a Quranic translation word by word on your site, and inshallah I will have great use for it to learn the Arabic language and also the Quran at the same time. |
Shaheda Bassier 9th April, 2011 Assalamu Alaikum. Jazakullah khair for providing this incredible resource of Quranic grammar online. May Allah bless all involved abundantly for this invaluable resource. |
Mountain Rose 8th April, 2011 Thank you, this is really a very helpful site. |
Mahmoud Abunasser 7th April, 2011 Assalamo Alaikom Kais. I was looking at the morphological tagging of the Quran. I would like to thank you for the work you do and making it available to everyone. |
Gregory Crane 7th April, 2011 We are big admirers of the work that we have seen with Quranic Arabic. Your treebank is really a masterful job and you have already accomplished goals towards which we are still working, such as using the treebank to illustrate the actual grammar. |
Zeynab 7th April, 2011 This is a very useful linguistic resource for learning Quranic grammar. |
Professor Michael Arthur 5th April, 2011 Congratulations to all concerned on this project. |
March 2011
S'aad Bekker 31st March, 2011 As an expression of gratitude for the Quranic Arabic Corpus, I just want to take a few minutes to again thank you for this wonderful tool which you made available and maintain on the Internet. I am busy making a fresh new translation of the Quran into my mother tongue in South Africa, which is Afrikaans. Whilst I do use different available commentaries, your word for word breakdown of the Quranic verses has been of tremendous help to me. Thank you so much and may God bless you and the team working on this with the greatest of blessings here on Earth and also in the afterlife. Sincerely, and peace be with you. |
Reaz Islam 31st March, 2011 Salam. May Allah reward you for your efforts for Quranic Arabic Corpus. I am just beginning to get a grasp on it. It's amazing. |
Tarek Mahfouz 31st March, 2011 Alsamu Alikom. Thank you very much for this big effort. I’m an engineer and I’m working on a related project as a volunteer. Best Regards. |
Dr. Shehnaz Shaikh 21st March, 2011 Assalamualaikum. May Allah (SWT) reward you enormously for your work. JazakAllahu khair. |
Imran Chowdhury 19th March, 2011 As Salamu Alaikum. You have done an excellent Job with this Quran project. May Allah reward you tremendously for your service to the ummah. |
Dr A. K. Toffar 17th March, 2011 Assalamu Alaikum. I have just browsed over your wonderful work on the Qur’an. It is a wonderful work which is very user friendly. May you be richly rewarded by Allah for this wonderful service to Islam and Muslims, especially students. Praying for your continued health and welfare. |
Abdelazeez 10th March, 2011 Assalamu'-3alaikum waRahmatullaahi waBarakaatuhu. I Love this. Shows word by word translation in action. At the bottom of this page is an audio player for you listen to a recitation of the same verse, so you know how it sounds. |
Tawab Wakil 8th March, 2011 Thank you for providing the Quran corpus online. |
February 2011
Dunner 25th February, 2011 This is a fantastic resource for the Qur'an produced at the University of Leeds (UK). |
Naim Kocak 21st February, 2011 Salaam Mr. Dukes, Thank you so much for being part of the Quran corpus project. I am very impressed with you all. This is an excellent site! Thanks for your guidance in advance and may Allah be with you all. |
Ahmad Baiquni 21st February, 2011 Dear Sir/Madam, I have visited corpus.quran.com, and am very impressed with this Quran project. |
Adeeba Mir 15th February, 2011 Assalaamu Alykum, I am doing an online diploma in Islamic Studies. I am using your website to write notes in front of the word-to-word translation, and I print out each verse separately. This makes my work very easy. Jazak Allah Khair. |
QuranWiki 12th February, 2011 Salaam and peace and blessings to you. I would like to compliment you by saying that this is a great site, Maasahallah. |
Aatiq Muthy 7th February, 2011 Assalamu Alaykum. Some amazing work you have achieved. |
Rajaa Redwan 5th February, 2011 Dear Dr. Kais, I'd like to inform you that this web site is very helpful to me and my friends. We are very grateful to you. Best regards. Yours sincerely. |
Azhar Islam 1st February, 2011 Assalam-o-Alaikum. May Allah the almighty prosper you and your team of the corpus Quran project. |
January 2011
Muhammad Khalid Shaf 31st January, 2011 Dear Mr. Kais Dukes, The Quranic Arabic Corpus website was introduced to me by my son Amir, at present in Canada. I have found it immensely useful and congratulate you on this commendable work. May Allah bless you. |
Babacar Dia 31st January, 2011 Hello, thank you for this majestical site! |
Tawab Wakil 31st January, 2011 Hello. Thank you so much for making accessible the Quranic Arabic Corpus! I just came across this gem of a website by chance and I'm sure it will become an essential reference tool for me. Keep up the good work. |
Hameed Ulla Khan 31st January, 2011 Dear Brother, Assalam ale kum. This is the website I was looking for, for a very long time. It has everything I want, especially the word by word Quran. |
Yasir Syeed 16th January, 2011 Salam Brother Kais. Just felt I had to reach to you to say THANK YOU, and may Allah bless you for your work with the Quranic Arabic Corpus. Simply amazing! I pray you and your family are granted great success in this life the next, this is really a superb effort. I don't even know how you could have done this it's so impressive! I read your online profile... how do you do it all? Do you have 36 hours in your day? :-) Fee Aman Allah. |
Harati 12th January, 2011 I would like to thank you all for your nice Quran project. |
Mashhood Akhtar 11th January, 2011 Brother Kais, Aslam-O-Alikum. I read in your interview that you said people are requesting more features from the website. I want to help you in any way I can. I have no demands, but I want to help in your current and future projects. |
Sebghatullah Bashardost 9th January, 2011 Hi. Hopefully you're alright and doing well. I'm so glad that I found your nice website. |
Wael Eraky 8th January, 2011 Dear All, Thank you really for this website. Because of this website, there are many non-Muslims reading the Quran, and now they know the truth. I know one family who read this website and have now converted to Islam. May Allah help you for supporting Islam. |
December 2010
CapnKirk 31st December, 2010 A picture is worth a thousand words. So a concrete example that you can not only see, but also play with, is worth ten thousand words. The Quranic Arabic Corpus incorporates much of my vision for the study of the Bible in the third millennium of our civilization. For "under the hood" details, see the description of the research of Kais Dukes. Three elements of this project are morphological annotation, a syntax treebank and a semantic ontology. All three are combined into a web user interface in such a way that collaboration is possible. The general public interested in the Quran itself can browse the original Arabic text, and dive into morphology, syntax and semantics as desired. Scholars can work on the actual analysis simply by logging in. This model of linguistic annotation of a corpus can easily be extended to include bibliography, web resources, archaeological and historical data - the possibilities are endless. One extension ought to be the ability to add user annotation which is stored locally on the user/visitor’s own computer but which integrates seamlessly with the website. I noticed one feature that is lacking: the ability for complex searching, using the morphology, syntax and semantic annotations. There is a search box for simple text queries, but a more sophisticated search engine would greatly enhance the value of this remarkable resource. |
Abdul Wahid 27th December, 2010 Hi Kais, I am reading through the lemmas for the Quran listed on this website. I'm trying to work my way through it from beginning to end, and find it very useful. |
Pete Morris 27th December, 2010 Hi there. I use the corpus.quran.com website quite a lot. I find it great to look at your work. |
Ainul Islam 26th December, 2010 Salaam Kais. I was your classmate at Imperial College. It’s funny how people connect. Your name was mentioned during a conversation of the Quran work that you are doing at the moment. Pray all is well with you and your family. May Allah bless all your work and effort in this life and hereafter. |
November 2010
Shaikh Ali 24th November, 2010 Assallamu Alaykum. This is a very beautiful word for word Qur'an. I hope it becomes available in book form and I can buy a copy of it. |
Hatim Zaghloul 20th November, 2010 Salamu Alaikum, |
Alihusain Datoo 19th November, 2010 We, The Quran Academy, are extremely expressed by the work you have completed and developed on your website. The corpus is extremely impressive. |
Amr Dabour 14th November, 2010 A wonderful website! |
Teuku Edward 12th November, 2010 Assalamu 'alaikum warahmatullah, brother Kais. Jazakumullah khairan for your effort with the Corpus :) May Allah grant you with sabr and tawadhu'. |
Dell Vost 11th November, 2010 I came across your corpus.quran.com site. Excellent work. |
Abdul Vahid 11th November, 2010 Dear Brother, Assalamu Alaikkum. Alhamdhulillah, Great Work. Inshallah, I appreciate your work. Jazakallah. |
Asfora 8th November, 2010 Salaam Aleykum Brother. I use corpus.quran.com word by word daily for my study and alhamdulillah, I love using it. Many thanks, wasalaam. |
Aa. Ab. 7th November, 2010 Your Quran NLP work is a truly beautiful and profound act. May God bless you for this tremendous achievement. |
Mamadoudian Bah 2nd November, 2010 I love this project, and I hope it will be successful. |
October 2010
Zarin Am 31st October, 2010 As salaam u a'3laikom wa rahmatullaah wa baraktuh. Jaza kallah khair. |
Jasmin Mahmutovic 30th October, 2010 You did great job starting this project. |
Nicholas Boake 30th October, 2010 Thank you Kais. |
Gibbrey Muthalib 30th October, 2010 Assalaamu Allaikum, thank you. Although I am able to recite the Holy Quran allhamdulillah, I wish to memorize and learn and understand the Quranic language, so that I can share it with my muslim friends and relations. |
Ryan Brizendine 29th October, 2010 Thank you Kais, and baraka Allahu fika for the site and all of your efforts. Best wishes. |
Taqi Hashmi 29th October, 2010 Thank you for this wonderful resource and please extend my thanks to your colleagues who worked on this project. |
Peter McCaffery 26th October, 2010 Hello, |
Edward Horne 17th October, 2010 Brother Kais, I had Internet installed in my home a few weeks ago (at San Carlos, Nicaragua) and was delighted to find your website. Your work has answered many of the questions which had troubled me, and I'm grateful. Peace be with you, and God's blessings for the outstanding effort and success evident in your project. |
Shahzad Khan 15th October, 2010 Dear Brother, Assalam O alaikum. You guys are doing a wonderful job. Mashallah. |
Jewel Mashud 14th October, 2010 Salamu Alaykum. Jazak Allah Khayran for your efforts. This website is really helpful for earling Quranic Arabic. |
Toro Kambali 14th October, 2010 Hello Kais. I find that the Quranic Arabic Corpus is very educating for all of us. Thank you and kind regards. |
Hanif Ellahi 12th October, 2010 Dear Kais Dukes, Your word for word Quranic Arabic Corpus is beautiful. |
Troy Colts 10th October, 2010 My deepest thanks for a such a wonderful resource! I don't know Arabic, but I want to help make your incredible resource just that little bit better. |
Saeid Akhavan Ghorbani 7th October, 2010 Hi. I want to thank you for your Quranic Arabic Corpus website. It's great. |
Mostafa Asaduzzaman 6th October, 2010 Assalamu Alaikum. I am eager to learn the grammar and meaning of Quranic words. Your online material is more than enough. Jazakallah Khair. |
Dr A. K. Vania 3rd October, 2010 I stumbled across your site today whilst struggling with a lesson on Haal which is part of my Arabic studies. I was astonished by the quality of your material, and wish you every success in your work. I am a Doctor in Leicester, but study Arabic in my spare time through a range of resources. I am especially keen to enhance my ability to do dependency graphs. These are usually tables in other ways of teaching. I think that these graphs will be central to a grasp of the language. |
S. M. Nur Elahi 1st October, 2010 Dear Brothers, Assalamualikum. This is a fantastic resource I came across for reading the Holy Qur'an online. It's brilliant indeed! Jajakallahu khairan. |
September 2010
Nasir Hussain 29th September, 2010 I have just gone through some of the pages on your website related to the word by word online grammar of the Quran. This is a excellent tool to learn from. |
Dr. M. M. Mirza 27th September, 2010 I happened to visit your website and I have I found it very useful. Sincere regards. |
Mohamad Melik 22nd September, 2010 Thank you very much for your excellent web site at corpus.quran.com. |
Dr. Muhammad Afzal Chowhan 21st September, 2010 You have done great work on the language and grammar of the Quran. |
Humaira Nazeer 20th September, 2010 Assalamu Aalikum. I have visited your website and it's realy wonderful work. |
Sayed Abdullah Emrani 20th September, 2010 Dear Kais, |
Farrak 19th September, 2010 Assalamu Alykum, |
Saleh Kashem 17th September, 2010 Hello Kais. Salam. I am a software engineer based in Dallas, Texas. I want to contribute and learn about your research projects. Thanks for sharing your work with the world. |
Fathia Refky 15th September, 2010 Dear sir, |
Imants Kalnins 15th September, 2010 Thank you very much! Yours sincerely. |
Brian Chapman 14th September, 2010 I am an American English teacher living in Amman, Jordan. Although a teacher by trade, I have been a student of the culture and language of the Middle East since I spent the summer in Gaza shortly after completing university back in 1997. Recently I have committed to getting a much better grasp of the Arabic language, registering in formal courses through the University here. One of my goals is to become more proficient at reading the Qur'an in Arabic as many of my Arab friends tell me this is the best way to learn the Arabic language. Theories of language acquisition aside, it seems a good suggestion. Somehow I discovered your corpus.quran.com website and it is a treasure for anyone trying to learn the Arabic language from the Qur'an! Thank-you for your hard work in making this resource available - I greatly appreciate it and I am sure others do as well. |
Iftikhar Zaman 10th September, 2010 Great work! Without any hyperbole, I think this work you have done could be one of the major scholarly events of this century. What will make it or break it will be our ability to develop appropriate uses for it. |
Madiha Hashmi 8th September, 2010 Dear Kais Dukes, |
Noyan 4th September, 2010 I really appreciate the work you are doing, and I thank you for it. |
August 2010
Mohammad Mostafa 30th August, 2010 Dear Kais, I am a PhD student starting in the NLP field. I am enthusiastic about the possiblity of the chance to contribute to your project. |
Masood Ahmed Mian 27th August, 2010 As Salam O Allaikum Kais, |
Sohaib Sandhu 26th August, 2010 Dear Kais, |
Farooq Khan 26th August, 2010 Salaamu alaikum Kais and ramadan kareem. I am a chartered mechanical engineer and working as an engineering consultant, and in the evenings and weekends I teach Quran courses, at level 1 and 2 in Reading, Bracknell and London areas. Jazak Allah khair. Much appreciated. |
Zainab Muzzafa 26th August, 2010 JazekAllah khair, dear brother. Ramadan kareem. |
Mohamed Benajiba 23rd August, 2010 Dear Sir, |
Muhammad Malik 21st August, 2010 God bless you. Your forum is a good source of learning. |
Khairun Nisa Bacchus 18th August, 2010 Assalamu Alaikum. I just want to say thank you for the Quranic Arabic Corpus. May Allah reward you tremendously. |
Muhammad Ghurma 18th August, 2010 Dear Kais, |
Dr. Yosep Saepudin 18th August, 2010 Assalamua'laikum. |
Sharifah 17th August, 2010 Thank you. God bless all of you who made this possible. I will definitely refer to this website again. |
Khalid Zaman 14th August, 2010 Salaam o Alaikum Kais. Ramadan Kareem. |
Noushin Rezapour 11th August, 2010 Hi, |
Haissam Mouhasse 5th August, 2010 Dear Kais, Thank you for your great effort. Best Regards. |
Yasir Javed 4th August, 2010 Assalam-O-Alaikum! I have been exploring the corpus site for last few months. You are doing a great job mashAllah and must be a busy man. May Allah reward you for your efforts. |
Zulqanayen Helal 1st August, 2010 Assalamu 'alaikum. MashaAllah. I am amazed by the work at the corpus website. |
July 2010
Maggie Amin 31st July, 2010 As-Salam Aleikom Kais. I cannot begin to tell you how much I am sold on your Quran project. You are an inspiration. You have used your intelligence to benefit others, may Allah reward you for this ground breaking job. |
M. Yousuf 22nd July, 2010 This is a wonderful site. A brilliant research project by the University of Leeds, Language Research Group. |
Raheel Khan 17th July, 2010 I'd like to say I'm very impressed by your site. It is a great resource to learn the Arabic of the Quran. |
Faisal Qureshi 16th July, 2010 Assalamu alaikum. Great website, so I wanted to congratulate you guys. Insha allah I’m going to book mark this site and continue to use it. Thanks again for a very good resource. |
Dr Kevin Donnelly 16th July, 2010 Hi Kais, I just came across the Quranic Arabic Corpus, which seems a wonderful resource. |
Tadar Wazir 16th July, 2010 As-Salaam-u alaikum Kais. I work as a chaplain in correctional centers in the State of Missouri, U.S.A. Thanks for your permission to use the Quranic Arabic Corpus in these correctional centers. I plan to copy from this website and distribute the work to the offenders. |
Fareedah Sidqui 16th July, 2010 As-Salaamu-Alaikum. I pray that you and your family are well. Myself and some of my brothers and sisters are striving to learn Quranic Arabic and the grammar using this website. |
Irvan Rabiullah 15th July, 2010 Assalamualaikum. I want to say thank you very much for this website. |
Emas Khalid 12th July, 2010 As-salamu Alaikum. I am masters student in computer science. I hope that I can use your syntactic treebank in my research. |
Javed Shaikh 11th July, 2010 This work is great. May Allah bless you guys. |
Sufia Abdulla 2nd July, 2010 Jazakallah Kais. |
June 2010
Abdul-Rahman 28th June, 2010 Hi Kais. My name is Abdul-Rahman, and I'm 26 years old. I became aware of your work after visting the Quranic Arabic Corpus website. |
Ali Abdul Aziz 21st June, 2010 Assalaamu alaikum, |
Sufia Abdullah 20th June, 2010 I went into the Quranic Arabic Corpus in search of Quranic knowledge and alhamdullilah I found your website thoroughly enlightening. |
Onur Unver 18th June, 2010 I sincerely appreciate your work. Thank you very much for this project. I am a student trying to learn the Arabic language as well as the Quran and I felt obligated to thank you for this great piece of work. I have to admit that I am learning faster and more using this website than my actual classes. This is an incredible tool for all learners! I know it is demanding at the start, but I hope you will make this tool available for more languages in the future and I suppose the purpose of the GNU public licence is to serve exactly this purpose. I am pretty sure, people all around the world would be willing to participate in a project like this to make it more accessible to people of all languages. I hope you will see the beautiful results of your work both in this world and in paradise. |
Gibran Mahmud 14th June, 2010 May Allah give much sawab to the makers of this excellent project. |
Tato Sugiarto 12th June, 2010 Dear Sirs, The Quranic Arabic Corpus is very helpful for me in studying Islam seriously. Thank you. |
S'aad Bekker 9th June, 2010 I enjoy using the word by word grammar provided by your website. |
Mizanur Rahman 7th June, 2010 Hi, |
Siraj Al Islam 5th June, 2010 Kais, |
May 2010
Muzzy 31st May, 2010 Jazakallah Khairan. This is a very useful site. |
Musaafirah 30th May, 2010 This is interesting and pretty amazing to see! |
Leo Imanov 26th May, 2010 Thank you very much indeed for this site. |
Habibati 26th May, 2010 Very useful indeed! |
Abdullaah 26th May, 2010 MashaAllaah. This looks like a lot of work. |
F. M. 24th May, 2010 Asalamu Alaykum, |
Fathia Refky 24th May, 2010 Dear All, |
Frank Antonson 23rd May, 2010 Thanks for this. I especially like this site. I promptly joined it. I have been wanting to know more about the Holy Quran for much of my life. This looks like an appealing way to explore it, for me, a linguist. |
Ishaq Abdul Kader 23rd May, 2010 Assalamu alaykkum wa Rahmathullahi wa Barakathuhu, |
Muminah 20th May, 2010 The Quranic Arabic Corpus - An outstanding tool! |
Syed Nasim 14th May, 2010 Thank you. I do have suggestions that might improve further the already excellent material that you have developed. However, before making any comments I need to familiarize myself further with the overall aims and objectives of this excellent project. May God bless you for this outstanding work. |
Hassan Rom 13th May, 2010 Assalamu Alaikum, |
Ieishah Edwards 7th May, 2010 Your endeavor regarding the Quran Corpus is commendable. |
Valerie Zimmerman 6th May, 2010 The Quranic Arabic Corpus is wonderful! |
Rashid Majid 6th May, 2010 The Quran dictionary is excellent and I love using it. This website is really good. Thank you. |
Abdullah AlRajeh 4th May, 2010 As-Salamu Alaykum Kais, |
Mubaashir Uqdah 1st May, 2009 As Salaamu Alaikum! |
April 2010
Salik 27th April, 2010 This is the best website I have ever visited, with a detailed analysis of Quranic words, showing the way they have been used. |
Nur Syahroni 27th April, 2010 Assalamu'alaikum Brother Kais, |
Farhan Raja 19th April, 2010 Hello, |
Nazir Hassan 13th April, 2010 Assalaamu Alaikum Brother, |
Taufiq Wirahman 6th April, 2010 Dear Kais, |
Kenan Kalajdzic 3rd April, 2010 Dear Mr. Dukes, |
Majid Tahir 1st April, 2010 Wow! What an amazing site and wonderful research! Good job! |
March 2010
Jannah 30th March, 2010 This looks like an awesome site. |
Dr. Fazlul Haque 30th March, 2010 Dear Brother, |
Qurat ul Ain 29th March, 2010 Assalam o Alaikum Sir, |
Caleb Barr 25th March, 2010 Kais Dukes == amazingly talented =) |
Dr. Ihsanul Haq 25th March, 2010 Thanks Kais very much. I feel privileged to be associated with such a noble endeavor. I look forward to a very productive association, specially in areas suggested by you. Best. |
Sakina 23rd March, 2010 This is so exciting! I came upon this site awhile ago, but it looks so much better and fuller now. Alhamdulillah. Yay! |
J. Samia Mair 22nd March, 2010 If you want an excellent resource on the Qur'an, visit the Quranic Arabic Corpus. The website provides a wealth of information. To appreciate it fully one really needs to view it. This is an this incredible undertaking. |
Jamal Hassan 20th March, 2010 Assalamu alaikum, Br. Kais, |
DC 19th March, 2010 Your site is amazingly helpful. Wonderful project. I will try to benefit from it, and thanks for your work on this site. It makes my efforts to learn the Quran much easier than when there was just paper available! |
Adam 19th March, 2010 Hi. First I would like to say Wow! This is the best word for word Qur'an I have ever come across, and is perfect for me as a student learning Arabic. |
Azam Ali 14th March, 2010 Dear Kais, |
Q. A. 11th March, 2010 A phenomenal project. Please everyone, help graciously! Thanks. |
Farahim Salafi 10th March, 2010 Assalamu Alaykum distinguished Kais! |
Yavuz Yazan 10th March, 2010 Thank you very much for your effort. Best Regards. |
Salma Mansour 9th March, 2010 Dear Kais, |
Abdelwahid 7th March, 2010 Allahi jazik bikhair for this website, The Quranic Arabic Corpus! It's really the best website to learn the Arabic words of the Holy Quran. |
Sumayya Baqai 7th March, 2010 Respected Sir, |
Muhammad Shakeel 5th March, 2010 Hello, |
Safiah Madkhali 2nd March, 2010 Hello, |
February 2010
Fauzia Khan 26th February, 2010 Assalaammu Alaikum, |
Aaishah al-Husayn 24th February, 2010 Dear Mr Kais Dukes, |
Samir Abboushi 23rd February, 2010 Peace Kais Dukes, |
Nabila Butt 22nd February, 2010 Salaam, |
Waseem Ahmed 21st February, 2010 Hi Kais, |
Norar 20th February, 2010 Salaam u'alaikoem. BarakAllahoefiek for sharing this site with us. I really like the word for word of the quran. |
Abdul Hafiz 18th February, 2010 Salaam Brother, |
Kaharina Harlow 18th February, 2010 Salaam Alaikoum Kais, |
Mahboobeh Dadkhah 14th February, 2010 Salam Brother Kais, |
Hussain Fahmy 9th February, 2010 Dear Mr. Dukes, |
Badiuzzaman Mohamed 7th February, 2010 Firstly may Allah bless you for your untiring efforts to help bring more Muslims closer to the Quran. I personally find the syntactic treebank most useful, as it goes beyond the word by word format by showing relationships between those words. |
Jagjit Singh 7th February, 2010 Thanks Kais. This is a great website. I really appreciate your and the team's efforts. May Allah reward all of you. Jazak Allah Khairan. |
Johan Zahri 6th February, 2010 Salam Alaykum Brother Kais. I'm glad that there is a serious word by word tagged analysis effort for the Quran. |
Latifa Al-Sulaiti 6th February, 2010 I had a look at this website the other day. It is really fantastic! It seems to draw the attention of the whole world, especially those who have an interest in Islam and the Qur'an. |
Ryan Brizendine 2nd February, 2010 Salam, |
Mohammed Noh Satibi 1st February, 2010 Greetings Mr Kais Dukes, |
January 2010
Aaron Wenner 28th January, 2010 I'm extremely impressed with the Qur'an project. Your implementation of Qur'anic grammar alongside the text and the resulting interlinear format will be a major tool for researchers and instructors everywhere. |
Tanveer Ahmed 28th January, 2010 I hope my e-mail finds you in good health, and your project goes from strength to strength as the days go by. |
Eskandar 27th January, 2010 This website contains detailed grammatical information for every word of the Qur'an. Very useful resource for those who are using the Qur'an to learn Arabic! |
Renacido 27th January, 2010 Wow! |
Tayyeba Faisal 26th January, 2010 Dear Dr. Atwell, |
Uthman 26th January, 2010 This is a fantastic resource I came across some time ago for reading the Holy Qur'an online. It's brilliant! |
Muhammad Usman Khan 25th January, 2010 Assalamo Alaikum, |
Insaan 25th January, 2010 Jazaakallah khair for this. This is great! I always thought how lovely it would be if something like this was done for the whole Qur'an, and here it is! May Allah reward you abundantly both in this world and the next. Ameen. |
Shuaib Hanief 23rd January, 2010 Kais, |
Muneem Wahid 22nd January, 2010 Salaam Kais, |
Muhammad Dawood 20th January, 2010 Dear Brother, |
Boumediene Belkhouche 19th January, 2010 Dear Kais, |
Saleem Kalathil 19th January, 2010 Assalaamualaikum, |
Rehana 18th January, 2010 Alhamdullillah this site is very helpful. |
Fatma Faisal Saad Said 15th January, 2010 Dear Kais, |
Abu Treika 10th January, 2010 Just had a quick browse. What an excellent resource masha'allah. |
Abu Hannah 10th January, 2010 Agreed, and now saved to bookmarks... |
Behnam Sadeghi 8th January, 2010 Dear Kais, |
Haq Nawaz 7th January, 2009 Hello, |
Ali Shahriar 3rd January, 2010 This seems to be the most advanced piece of software on the internet related to Qur’anic Arabic language I have ever come across. I have literally spent a countless number of hours browsing this site and only feel as though I have scratched the surface. All I will say is that if you’re learning the Arabic language, then this website has to be included in your top reference sources, especially if you’re concentrating, as I am, on understanding the Arabic language of the Qur’an, which substantially differs from modern colloquial Arabic. |
December 2009
Nida 29th December, 2009 Jazakillahu Khair. |
Viquarunnisa Abdulaleem 28th December, 2009 Mashaallah, how easy to learn, may Allah reward the best to all those who work so hard to benfit the ummah, may Allah give us toufeeq to serve. Aameen. |
Winfried Leclaire 27th December, 2009 Assalamu Alaikum, |
Nazia Quraishi 21st December, 2009 My name is Nazia Quraishi and I recently came across your project and found it to be highly useful. Recently, I started studying the word for word translation of the Quran along with word analysis and tafsir. |
Nancy Klein 19th December, 2009 Hello Kais, |
Mahmoud Shaaban 19th December, 2009 Thank you so much for your great efforts. Yours sincerely. |
Uzmaa Jamal 19th December, 2009 To whom it may concern, |
Abu Eesa 15th December, 2009 An incredible site with monumental benefit for all students and lovers of the Qur’an. |
Suleman 15th December, 2009 A came across this site, which is a good resource for searching by jizr (and by other means). |
FlagBearer 15th December, 2009 A very good site masha'Allaah. May Allaah reward those who are behind it in full, ameen. |
Turabbie 15th December, 2009 Ameen... I just recieved a link to this website in my inbox... mashaa'Allah it's excellent! Jazzakillahu Khaire. |
Ahmed 8th December, 2009 Brother, this is absolutely incredible! The possibilities are endless masha'Allah! I am definitely very excited to work with you guys. |
Paul Tupper 8th December, 2009 Hi, |
Shahad Miah 5th December, 2009 Dear Sir, |
Assem Chelli 2nd December, 2009 Salam, |
Abdul Rahman Adnan 2nd December, 2009 Thank you for the opportunity to participate in this wonderful project. I was told about this website a few days ago by a friend. I have been a (part-time and mostly self taught) student of Quranic Arabic for the last 25 or so years. |
Mai Zaki 2nd December, 2009 Dear Kais, |
November 2009
AJ 30th November, 2009 This is one of the best projects of the Quran for all those lovers of the word of Allah and may Allah reward and bless those who put all this together. It is amazing work and very useful. Please everyone visit this site and make use of it. All these types of Quranic projects, whether tafseer, translations into almost every language, transliteration, grammar and Quranic language, leave no possible reason not to learn the book of Allah. It seems like Allah is providing human beings with every possible means and access to reach his holy book, so that we can not argue and reason on the day of judgement that we did not have access to his book due to various barriers of language. |
Qamaruddin Shaarani 30th November, 2009 Dear Kais Dukes, |
hafsa48 26th November, 2009 Seems very interesting. |
Abu Hurairah 25th November, 2009 This is just amazing. What an epic scope of work. |
Aliman 25th November, 2009 Epic, mashallah. I bookmarked the site to access later. Thanks. |
Umme Laila 25th November, 2009 I found your website very interesting. |
Wajdi Zaghouani 25th November, 2009 Salam Alaykom ya Kais, |
Aida Mustapha 25th November, 2009 Dear Kais, |
Aarne Ranta 24th November, 2009 Dear Kais, |
Bilal Abdul Khaliq 24th November, 2009 I had a look at the website and the work is quite impressive and novel. I would be most interested in some collaboration. |
Rita Wan-Chik 20th November, 2009 The website is really great. A good way to learn Arabic besides getting Quran translation. |
Mahmoud El-Haj 19th November, 2009 Dear Kais, |
Sherin Gul 19th November, 2009 Assalamu Alaikum, |
Nour Sharabash 18th November, 2009 Assalam alaikum wa rahmatallah wa barakatu, |
Hamed Al-Suhli 17th November, 2009 Dear Kais, |
Hamid Zarrabi-Zadeh 16th November, 2009 Salaam, |
Henda Sfaxi 16th November, 2009 Dear Mr Dukes, |
Soraya Zaidi 16th November, 2009 I am an assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science. I am currently preparing a PhD on the construction of ontologies in Arabic. I intend to use the Quranic Arabic Corpus in my work. |
Abdulazeez Abdulraheem 16th November, 2009 Dear Kais, |
Hind Salhi 15th November, 2009 This is magnificent... the website now has almost everything that one might need. |
Bishaarah Mustafaa 15th November, 2009 Assalaamu Alaikum, |
Sameh Farouk 14th November, 2009 Dear Kais, |
Jody Bailey 14th November, 2009 A fabulous resource for linguists doing research on the Quran. |
Salah Muhammad 13th November, 2009 As-salamu alaykum. My name is Salah. One of my friends introduced me to the website, and I have fallen in love with it. Thank you. Jazakullah Khairun. |
Therese 13th November, 2009 Mashallah Kais, this is amazing. |
Rehan Ahmad 13th November, 2009 Assalamoalaikum. Mashallah, great work. |
Adrian Gully 12th November, 2009 Your project looks absolutely fascinating. I shall enjoy checking it out in more detail. All good wishes. |
Waleed Oransa 12th November, 2009 Hello Kais, |
Idris Mokhtarzada 12th November, 2009 Thank you so much for this. This project is amazing, and I'm glad you're making an effort to keep this data open and free for anyone to use. I believe your efforts will lead to many many good works. I would like to use it in a project I am working on. Thank you. |
Mahmoud Elsayess 12th November, 2009 Salaam, |
Ahmed Abdelali 8th November, 2009 Dear Kais, |
Orhan Elmaz 8th November, 2009 Dear Kais, |
Ali Adams 8th November, 2009 Your work exceeds excellence :) |
sarah_bd_gemini 7th November, 2009 This is a very easy to use site, and the Arabic print is easy to read too. |
Abdul Basit 5th November, 2009 Assalamu Alaikum, |
Xalil 'Abdullahi 4th November, 2009 As-Salaamu Alay-kum! |
Danang Wijanarko 4th November, 2009 Assalamu'alaikum Kais, |
Amadeus Meaini 2nd November, 2009 As-Salamu-Alaikom, |
October 2009
Mazhar Anwar Nurani 30th October, 2009 Assalamo Alaikum Kais, |
Lantern 29th October, 2009 Quite amazing and very useful for Arabic students. |
Sam 29th October, 2009 This is awesome. |
Aziza 28th October, 2009 Ahlan Kais, |
Mohsen Saboorian 28th October, 2009 Dear Kais, |
raissk 28th October, 2009 Good stuff. |
meelash 27th October, 2009 Just saw this posted on SF. Very nice! |
Farooq Ahmed 27th October, 2009 I am from Pakistan and I'm a teacher of simple and basic Quranic Arabic. Your project will help me to gain knowledge and present to the students. Thanks for your efforts. |
Tim Buckwalter 26th October, 2009 Beautiful work! jazaak allah kheir! |
Farooq Khan 24th October, 2009 Salam Kais, |
SunniWaqas 23rd October, 2009 Awesome stuff Mashallah! I get a feeling this site will be used for our Wednesday tarkeeb sessions... |
Musaafirah 23rd October, 2009 Fantastic website mashallah! *thumbs up* |
Muhammad Ishaque Panhwar 23rd October, 2009 Assalam O Allaikum, |
Muhammad Eissa 23rd October, 2009 I am so impressed with your research project. Best of luck and continued success. |
zaidfarooqi_1 22nd October, 2009 SalaamAleykum, |
sa3khan 22nd October, 2009 This is really an amazing site. I especially like the syntactic treebank section. |
Amina786 22nd October, 2009 Wow this is so awesome and helpful, masha'Allah. |
hefsasharif 22nd October, 2009 Nice work mashallah! |
Marwan Boustany 21st October, 2009 Salaam, |
Sherif Khattab 18th October, 2009 Hi Kais, |
Hamdy Soliman 18th October, 2009 I would like to thank you very much for your great effort, information, annotation, interface... everything. Really, it’s very useful! |
Hanady Ahmed 18th October, 2009 I would like to congratulate you. It is really perfect work, well done. I am Hanady Ahmed, an assistant professor. I am interested in Arabic natural language processing and text-to-speech systems. |
Abdullah 18th October, 2009 Wa alaikum assalam brother Kais. Jazakallahu khaira for all your excellent work, looks like a lot of value you have added for the muslim ummah. |
Hind Salhi 16th October, 2009 Overall the Arabic grammar translation on the website is awesome. |
Noorhan Abbas 15th October, 2009 Hi Kais. Congratulations for your fantastic work! Great effort... May Allah reward you for all your efforts... |
Nizar Habash 14th October, 2009 Very neat! |
Zaufishan 5th October, 2010 Wow. This whole website is a teaching tool for studying Qur'an from the basics - understanding what each Arabic word means and how they connect to make beautiful sentences. The syntax branching system makes the Arabic much easier to appreciate, understand and memorise. For non Arabic speakers like I, whatever your level - this is seriously awesome. The word by word Qur'an breaks down the definitions and types of words (adjectives, synonyms etc). A Syntactic Treebank branches out in a mind-node fashion to illustrate a colour-coded analysis of the words from the Qur'an. This site is a complete package. It includes a full English translation alongside audio Qur'an recitation by Qari Saad Al-Ghamadi, a dictionary and the above stuff for truly visual learning. I'm in love. I give it 10 out of 10. |
Faruq Fayaz 4th October, 2009 I like the project very much. |
Ilhan Yalman 2nd October, 2009 Dear Mr Dukes, |
September 2009
Mashhood 30th September, 2009 This is the most unique Quran corpus I have come across on the internet. |
Otakar Smrz 23rd September, 2009 Thank you for a perfect work, and also for the newest references to literature. |
Abrar Hossain Quadery 22nd September, 2009 I named my son Zuhair Ishraque. One day someone commented that 'Ishraque' is a name for a girl. While reciting the Quran I found the word in verse (38:18). Now I find here that the word is masculine. I gave some effort earlier to recite Quran with meaning. Here I find a wonderful website for that. Heartiest gratitude to all behind this grand work. May Allah accept our efforts. |
Mourad Diouri 19th September, 2009 Dear Kais, |
Burhan 17th September, 2009 Many congratulations on corpus.quran.com. I have been waiting a long time for someone to do this. I developed openburhan.com some years ago and at that time just getting the Arabic of the Quran in text format was a miracle. |
Motaz Saad 2nd September, 2009 This is really interesting and very impressive work. I am working on text mining (Arabic and English) for my master's thesis. Now I am trying to experiment with the effect of text preprocessing on text mining. Also I am working on improving document representation using an ontology for Arabic and English. |
August 2009
Lyricallysha 28th August, 2009 thank you for the site =-) |
Abu Maryam 21st August, 2009 Salam Kais, |
Matin Abdullah 20th August, 2009 As-Salamu-Alaikum, |
Abu Fatima 20th August, 2009 Mashallah great site. May Allah reward you for this. |
Umm Hafsah 7th August, 2009 Awesome site. |
sheemae 2nd August, 2009 Salam, |
aamantubillan 2nd August, 2009 Wow. This is a pretty powerful tool. Thanks! |
- Farrah - 1st August, 2009 Salam brother, |
manZERO 1st August, 2009 very good |
abuhannah 1st August, 2009 real nice site, jzk... |
July 2009
lemons 27th July, 2009 Salam, |
rahamath 27th July, 2009 Mashallah. This looks really interesting. |
Wakas 23rd July, 2009 Firstly, I must say my sincere congratulations on this effort. It impressed me! This is something that I and many students of The Quran will benefit from. The accuracy of the grammar info seems good so far. |
Jenicca 23rd July, 2009 Masha'Allah this is a great website. Must have taken so much work. May Allah reward you. |
Ibrahim70 23rd July, 2009 What a wonferful site. I've been looking for something just like the 'word by word' section for ages now and had no luck in finding it until I found it on your site. I can't thank you enough. May Allah ta'ala reward you. |
~*H-D*~ 22nd July, 2009 Tabarak'Allaah! This website is amazing, good job! May Allaah bless you! |
Shuly Wintner 21st July, 2009 I was pleased to see the Quran corpus online, with the nice user interface and query system. I wish you best of luck with this important project. |
.: Anna :. 21st July, 2009 masha Allah!! |
the_middle_road 21st July, 2009 Wa alaikum salaam wa rahmatullah |
May 2009
Abdul-Baquee M. Sharaf 6th May, 2009 Hello Kais, |
March 2009
Dilworth Parkinson 6th March, 2009 I'm not aware of a POS tagged Quran, but I'm sure a lot of people would be very interested in having one. |