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Chapter (5) sūrat l-māidah (The Table spread with Food)
Translation | Arabic word | Syntax and morphology |
(5:112:1) idh When | T – time adverb ظرف زمان | |
(5:112:2) qāla said | V – 3rd person masculine singular perfect verb فعل ماض | |
(5:112:3) l-ḥawāriyūna the disciples, | N – nominative masculine plural noun اسم مرفوع | |
(5:112:4) yāʿīsā "O Isa, | VOC – prefixed vocative particle ya PN – accusative proper noun → Jesus أداة نداء اسم علم منصوب | |
(5:112:5) ib'na son | N – accusative masculine noun اسم منصوب | |
(5:112:6) maryama (of) Maryam! | PN – genitive feminine proper noun → Maryam اسم علم مجرور بالفتحة بدلاً من الكسرة لأنه ممنوع من الصرف | |
(5:112:7) hal Is | INTG – interrogative particle حرف استفهام | |
(5:112:8) yastaṭīʿu able | V – 3rd person masculine singular (form X) imperfect verb فعل مضارع | |
(5:112:9) rabbuka your Lord | N – nominative masculine noun PRON – 2nd person masculine singular possessive pronoun اسم مرفوع والكاف ضمير متصل في محل جر بالاضافة | |
(5:112:10) an to | SUB – subordinating conjunction حرف مصدري | |
(5:112:11) yunazzila send down | V – 3rd person masculine singular (form II) imperfect verb, subjunctive mood فعل مضارع منصوب | |
(5:112:12) ʿalaynā to us | P – preposition PRON – 1st person plural object pronoun جار ومجرور | |
(5:112:13) māidatan a table spread | N – accusative feminine indefinite noun اسم منصوب | |
(5:112:14) mina from | P – preposition حرف جر | |
(5:112:15) l-samāi the heaven?" | N – genitive feminine noun اسم مجرور | |
(5:112:16) qāla He said, | V – 3rd person masculine singular perfect verb فعل ماض | |
(5:112:17) ittaqū "Fear | V – 2nd person masculine plural (form VIII) imperative verb PRON – subject pronoun فعل أمر والواو ضمير متصل في محل رفع فاعل | |
(5:112:18) l-laha Allah, | PN – accusative proper noun → Allah لفظ الجلالة منصوب | |
(5:112:19) in if | COND – conditional particle حرف شرط | |
(5:112:20) kuntum you are | V – 2nd person masculine plural perfect verb PRON – subject pronoun فعل ماض والتاء ضمير متصل في محل رفع اسم «كان» | |
(5:112:21) mu'minīna believers." | N – accusative masculine plural (form IV) active participle اسم منصوب | |
(5:113:1) qālū They said, | V – 3rd person masculine plural perfect verb PRON – subject pronoun فعل ماض والواو ضمير متصل في محل رفع فاعل | |
(5:113:2) nurīdu "We wish | V – 1st person plural (form IV) imperfect verb فعل مضارع | |
(5:113:3) an that | SUB – subordinating conjunction حرف مصدري | |
(5:113:4) nakula we eat | V – 1st person plural imperfect verb, subjunctive mood فعل مضارع منصوب | |
(5:113:5) min'hā from it | P – preposition PRON – 3rd person feminine singular object pronoun جار ومجرور | |
(5:113:6) wataṭma-inna and satisfy | CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and) V – 3rd person feminine singular (form XII) imperfect verb, subjunctive mood الواو عاطفة فعل مضارع منصوب | |
(5:113:7) qulūbunā our hearts | N – nominative feminine plural noun → Heart PRON – 1st person plural possessive pronoun اسم مرفوع و«نا» ضمير متصل في محل جر بالاضافة | |
(5:113:8) wanaʿlama and we know | CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and) V – 1st person plural imperfect verb, subjunctive mood الواو عاطفة فعل مضارع منصوب | |
(5:113:9) an that | SUB – subordinating conjunction حرف مصدري | |
(5:113:10) qad certainly | CERT – particle of certainty حرف تحقيق | |
(5:113:11) ṣadaqtanā you have spoken the truth to us | V – 2nd person masculine singular perfect verb PRON – subject pronoun PRON – 1st person plural object pronoun فعل ماض والتاء ضمير متصل في محل رفع فاعل و«نا» ضمير متصل في محل نصب مفعول به | |
(5:113:12) wanakūna and we be | CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and) V – 1st person plural imperfect verb, subjunctive mood الواو عاطفة فعل مضارع منصوب | |
(5:113:13) ʿalayhā over it | P – preposition PRON – 3rd person feminine singular object pronoun جار ومجرور | |
(5:113:14) mina among | P – preposition حرف جر | |
(5:113:15) l-shāhidīna the witnesses. | N – genitive masculine plural active participle اسم مجرور |