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Chapter (20) sūrat ṭā hā
Translation | Arabic word | Syntax and morphology |
(20:53:1) alladhī The One Who | REL – masculine singular relative pronoun اسم موصول | |
(20:53:2) jaʿala made | V – 3rd person masculine singular perfect verb فعل ماض | |
(20:53:3) lakumu for you | P – prefixed preposition lām PRON – 2nd person masculine plural personal pronoun جار ومجرور | |
(20:53:4) l-arḍa the earth | N – accusative feminine noun → Earth اسم منصوب | |
(20:53:5) mahdan (as) a bed | N – accusative masculine indefinite noun اسم منصوب | |
(20:53:6) wasalaka and inserted | CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and) V – 3rd person masculine singular perfect verb الواو عاطفة فعل ماض | |
(20:53:7) lakum for you | P – prefixed preposition lām PRON – 2nd person masculine plural personal pronoun جار ومجرور | |
(20:53:8) fīhā therein | P – preposition PRON – 3rd person feminine singular object pronoun جار ومجرور | |
(20:53:9) subulan ways, | N – accusative masculine plural indefinite noun اسم منصوب | |
(20:53:10) wa-anzala and sent down | CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and) V – 3rd person masculine singular (form IV) perfect verb الواو عاطفة فعل ماض | |
(20:53:11) mina from | P – preposition حرف جر | |
(20:53:12) l-samāi the sky | N – genitive feminine noun اسم مجرور | |
(20:53:13) māan water, | N – accusative masculine indefinite noun اسم منصوب | |
(20:53:14) fa-akhrajnā then We (have) brought forth | REM – prefixed resumption particle V – 1st person plural (form IV) perfect verb PRON – subject pronoun الفاء استئنافية فعل ماض و«نا» ضمير متصل في محل رفع فاعل | |
(20:53:15) bihi with it, | P – prefixed preposition bi PRON – 3rd person masculine singular personal pronoun جار ومجرور | |
(20:53:16) azwājan pairs | N – accusative masculine plural indefinite noun اسم منصوب | |
(20:53:17) min of | P – preposition حرف جر | |
(20:53:18) nabātin plants | N – genitive feminine indefinite noun اسم مجرور | |
(20:53:19) shattā diverse. | ADJ – genitive masculine singular adjective صفة مجرورة | |
(20:54:1) kulū Eat | V – 2nd person masculine plural imperative verb PRON – subject pronoun فعل أمر والواو ضمير متصل في محل رفع فاعل | |
(20:54:2) wa-ir'ʿaw and pasture | CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and) V – 2nd person masculine plural imperative verb PRON – subject pronoun الواو عاطفة فعل أمر والواو ضمير متصل في محل رفع فاعل | |
(20:54:3) anʿāmakum your cattle. | N – accusative masculine plural noun PRON – 2nd person masculine plural possessive pronoun اسم منصوب والكاف ضمير متصل في محل جر بالاضافة | |
(20:54:4) inna Indeed, | ACC – accusative particle حرف نصب | |
(20:54:5) fī in | P – preposition حرف جر | |
(20:54:6) dhālika that, | DEM – masculine singular demonstrative pronoun اسم اشارة | |
(20:54:7) laāyātin surely (are) Signs | EMPH – emphatic prefix lām N – accusative feminine plural indefinite noun اللام لام التوكيد اسم منصوب | |
(20:54:8) li-ulī for possessors | P – prefixed preposition lām N – genitive masculine plural noun جار ومجرور | |
(20:54:9) l-nuhā (of) intelligence. | N – genitive plural noun اسم مجرور | |
(20:55:1) min'hā From it | P – preposition PRON – 3rd person feminine singular object pronoun جار ومجرور | |
(20:55:2) khalaqnākum We created you, | V – 1st person plural perfect verb PRON – subject pronoun PRON – 2nd person masculine plural object pronoun فعل ماض و«نا» ضمير متصل في محل رفع فاعل والكاف ضمير متصل في محل نصب مفعول به | |
(20:55:3) wafīhā and in it | CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and) P – preposition PRON – 3rd person feminine singular object pronoun الواو عاطفة جار ومجرور | |
(20:55:4) nuʿīdukum We will return you, | V – 1st person plural (form IV) imperfect verb PRON – 2nd person masculine plural object pronoun فعل مضارع والكاف ضمير متصل في محل نصب مفعول به | |
(20:55:5) wamin'hā and from it | CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and) P – preposition PRON – 3rd person feminine singular object pronoun الواو عاطفة جار ومجرور | |
(20:55:6) nukh'rijukum We will bring you out, | V – 1st person plural (form IV) imperfect verb PRON – 2nd person masculine plural object pronoun فعل مضارع والكاف ضمير متصل في محل نصب مفعول به | |
(20:55:7) tāratan time | N – accusative feminine indefinite noun اسم منصوب | |
(20:55:8) ukh'rā another. | ADJ – accusative feminine singular adjective صفة منصوبة |