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Chapter (20) sūrat ṭā hā
Translation | Arabic word | Syntax and morphology |
(20:117:1) faqul'nā Then We said, | REM – prefixed resumption particle V – 1st person plural perfect verb PRON – subject pronoun الفاء استئنافية فعل ماض و«نا» ضمير متصل في محل رفع فاعل | |
(20:117:2) yāādamu "O Adam! | VOC – prefixed vocative particle ya PN – nominative masculine proper noun → Adam أداة نداء اسم علم مرفوع | |
(20:117:3) inna Indeed, | ACC – accusative particle حرف نصب | |
(20:117:4) hādhā this | DEM – masculine singular demonstrative pronoun اسم اشارة | |
(20:117:5) ʿaduwwun (is) an enemy | N – nominative masculine indefinite noun اسم مرفوع | |
(20:117:6) laka to you | P – prefixed preposition lām PRON – 2nd person masculine singular personal pronoun جار ومجرور | |
(20:117:7) walizawjika and to your wife. | CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and) P – prefixed preposition lām N – genitive masculine noun PRON – 2nd person masculine singular possessive pronoun الواو عاطفة جار ومجرور والكاف ضمير متصل في محل جر بالاضافة | |
(20:117:8) falā So not | REM – prefixed resumption particle NEG – negative particle الفاء استئنافية حرف نفي | |
(20:117:9) yukh'rijannakumā (let) him drive you both | V – 3rd person masculine singular (form IV) imperfect verb EMPH – emphatic suffix nūn PRON – 2nd person dual object pronoun فعل مضارع والنون للتوكيد والكاف ضمير متصل في محل نصب مفعول به | |
(20:117:10) mina from | P – preposition حرف جر | |
(20:117:11) l-janati Paradise | PN – genitive feminine proper noun → Paradise اسم علم مجرور | |
(20:117:12) fatashqā so (that) you would suffer. | CAUS – prefixed particle of cause V – 2nd person masculine singular imperfect verb, subjunctive mood الفاء سببية فعل مضارع منصوب | |
(20:118:1) inna Indeed, | ACC – accusative particle حرف نصب | |
(20:118:2) laka for you | P – prefixed preposition lām PRON – 2nd person masculine singular personal pronoun جار ومجرور | |
(20:118:3) allā that not | SUB – subordinating conjunction NEG – negative particle حرف مصدري حرف نفي | |
(20:118:4) tajūʿa you will be hungry | V – 2nd person masculine singular imperfect verb, subjunctive mood فعل مضارع منصوب | |
(20:118:5) fīhā therein | P – preposition PRON – 3rd person feminine singular object pronoun جار ومجرور | |
(20:118:6) walā and not | CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and) NEG – negative particle الواو عاطفة حرف نفي | |
(20:118:7) taʿrā you will be unclothed. | V – 2nd person masculine singular imperfect verb, subjunctive mood فعل مضارع منصوب | |
(20:119:1) wa-annaka And that you | CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and) ACC – accusative particle PRON – 2nd person masculine singular object pronoun الواو عاطفة حرف نصب من اخوات «ان» والكاف ضمير متصل في محل نصب اسم «ان» | |
(20:119:2) lā not | NEG – negative particle حرف نفي | |
(20:119:3) taẓma-u will suffer from thirst | V – 2nd person masculine singular imperfect verb فعل مضارع | |
(20:119:4) fīhā therein | P – preposition PRON – 3rd person feminine singular object pronoun جار ومجرور | |
(20:119:5) walā and not | CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and) NEG – negative particle الواو عاطفة حرف نفي | |
(20:119:6) taḍḥā exposed to the sun's heat." | V – 2nd person masculine singular imperfect verb فعل مضارع |