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Chapter (42) sūrat l-shūrā (Consultation)
Translation | Arabic word | Syntax and morphology |
(42:33:1) in If | COND – conditional particle حرف شرط | |
(42:33:2) yasha He wills, | V – 3rd person masculine singular imperfect verb, jussive mood فعل مضارع مجزوم | |
(42:33:3) yus'kini He can cause the wind to become still | V – 3rd person masculine singular (form IV) imperfect verb, jussive mood فعل مضارع مجزوم | |
(42:33:4) l-rīḥa He can cause the wind to become still | N – accusative feminine noun اسم منصوب | |
(42:33:5) fayaẓlalna then they would remain | REM – prefixed resumption particle V – 3rd person feminine plural imperfect verb PRON – subject pronoun الفاء استئنافية فعل مضارع والنون ضمير متصل في محل رفع فاعل | |
(42:33:6) rawākida motionless | N – accusative masculine plural noun اسم منصوب | |
(42:33:7) ʿalā on | P – preposition حرف جر | |
(42:33:8) ẓahrihi its back. | N – genitive masculine noun PRON – 3rd person masculine singular possessive pronoun اسم مجرور والهاء ضمير متصل في محل جر بالاضافة | |
(42:33:9) inna Indeed, | ACC – accusative particle حرف نصب | |
(42:33:10) fī in | P – preposition حرف جر | |
(42:33:11) dhālika that | DEM – masculine singular demonstrative pronoun اسم اشارة | |
(42:33:12) laāyātin surely (are) Signs | EMPH – emphatic prefix lām N – genitive feminine plural indefinite noun اللام لام التوكيد اسم مجرور | |
(42:33:13) likulli for everyone | P – prefixed preposition lām N – genitive masculine noun جار ومجرور | |
(42:33:14) ṣabbārin patient | ADJ – genitive masculine singular indefinite adjective صفة مجرورة | |
(42:33:15) shakūrin (and) grateful. | ADJ – genitive masculine singular indefinite adjective صفة مجرورة | |
(42:34:1) aw Or | CONJ – coordinating conjunction حرف عطف | |
(42:34:2) yūbiq'hunna He could destroy them | V – 3rd person masculine singular (form IV) imperfect verb, jussive mood PRON – 3rd person feminine plural object pronoun فعل مضارع مجزوم و«هن» ضمير متصل في محل نصب مفعول به | |
(42:34:3) bimā for what | P – prefixed preposition bi REL – relative pronoun جار ومجرور | |
(42:34:4) kasabū they have earned; | V – 3rd person masculine plural perfect verb PRON – subject pronoun فعل ماض والواو ضمير متصل في محل رفع فاعل | |
(42:34:5) wayaʿfu but He pardons | CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and) V – 3rd person masculine singular imperfect verb, jussive mood الواو عاطفة فعل مضارع مجزوم | |
(42:34:6) ʿan [from] | P – preposition حرف جر | |
(42:34:7) kathīrin much. | N – genitive masculine singular indefinite noun اسم مجرور | |
(42:35:1) wayaʿlama And may know | CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and) V – 3rd person masculine singular imperfect verb, subjunctive mood الواو عاطفة فعل مضارع منصوب | |
(42:35:2) alladhīna those who | REL – masculine plural relative pronoun اسم موصول | |
(42:35:3) yujādilūna dispute | V – 3rd person masculine plural (form III) imperfect verb PRON – subject pronoun فعل مضارع والواو ضمير متصل في محل رفع فاعل | |
(42:35:4) fī concerning | P – preposition حرف جر | |
(42:35:5) āyātinā Our Signs | N – genitive feminine plural noun PRON – 1st person plural possessive pronoun اسم مجرور و«نا» ضمير متصل في محل جر بالاضافة | |
(42:35:6) mā (that) not | NEG – negative particle حرف نفي | |
(42:35:7) lahum for them | P – prefixed preposition lām PRON – 3rd person masculine plural personal pronoun جار ومجرور | |
(42:35:8) min any | P – preposition حرف جر | |
(42:35:9) maḥīṣin place of refuge. | N – genitive masculine indefinite verbal noun اسم مجرور |