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Verse (19:90) - English Translation


Welcome to the Quranic Arabic Corpus, an annotated linguistic resource for the Holy Quran. This page shows seven parallel translations in English for the 90th verse of chapter 19 (sūrat maryam). Click on the Arabic text to below to see word by word details of the verse's morphology.


Chapter (19) sūrat maryam (Mary)

Sahih International: The heavens almost rupture therefrom and the earth splits open and the mountains collapse in devastation

Pickthall: Whereby almost the heavens are torn, and the earth is split asunder and the mountains fall in ruins,

Yusuf Ali: At it the skies are ready to burst, the earth to split asunder, and the mountains to fall down in utter ruin,

Shakir: The heavens may almost be rent thereat, and the earth cleave asunder, and the mountains fall down in pieces,

Muhammad Sarwar: This would almost cause the heavens to rent apart, the earth to cleave asunder and the mountains to crumble down in fragments,

Mohsin Khan: Whereby the heavens are almost torn, and the earth is split asunder, and the mountains fall in ruins,

Arberry: The heavens are wellnigh rent of it and the earth split asunder, and the mountains wellnigh fall down crashing for

See Also

Language Research Group
University of Leeds