This example shows how to use the search API to find substrings in the Quranic text. The program below performs two searches. The first search looks for occurrences of the the Sun, and the second search looks for occurrences of the the Moon. The TokenSearch class is used, which is initiated through calls to findSubstring() and findToken(). These methods specify search criteria. The getResults() method is used to perform the search, and returns the results as an analysis table.
Java Example
public class TokenSearchExample { public static void main() { // Search #1: The Sun. searchSun(); // Search #2: The Moon. searchMoon(); } private static void searchSun() { // Search for substring "$~amos" or exact token "$amosFA" TokenSearch search = new TokenSearch(EncodingType.Buckwalter); search.findSubstring("$~amos"); search.findToken("$amosFA"); // Display the results. AnalysisTable table = search.getResults(); System.out.println(table); System.out.println("Matches: " + table.getRowCount() + "\r\n"); } private static void searchMoon() { // Search for substring "qamar" or exact token "lo>ahil~api" TokenSearch search = new TokenSearch(EncodingType.Buckwalter); search.findSubstring("qamar"); search.findToken("{lo>ahil~api"); // Display the results. AnalysisTable table = search.getResults(); System.out.println(table); System.out.println("Matches: " + table.getRowCount() + "\r\n"); } }
Program Output
ChapterNumber VerseNumber TokenNumber Token ------------- ----------- ----------- ----- 2 258 29 bi{l$~amosi 6 78 3 {l$~amosa 6 96 6 wa{l$~amosa 7 54 20 wa{l$~amosa 10 5 4 {l$~amosa 12 4 11 wa{l$~amosa 13 2 13 {l$~amosa 14 33 3 {l$~amosa 16 12 5 wa{l$~amosa 17 78 4 {l$~amosi 18 17 2 {l$~amosa 18 86 5 {l$~amosi 18 90 5 {l$~amosi 20 130 10 {l$~amosi 21 33 6 wa{l$~amosa 22 18 13 wa{l$~amosu 25 45 14 {l$~amosa 27 24 4 lil$~amosi 29 61 8 {l$~amosa 31 29 14 {l$~amosa 35 13 10 {l$~amosa 36 38 1 wa{l$~amosu 36 40 2 {l$~amosu 39 5 14 {l$~amosa 41 37 5 wa{l$~amosu 41 37 9 lil$~amosi 50 39 10 {l$~amosi 55 5 1 {l$~amosu 71 16 6 {l$~amosa 75 9 2 {l$~amosu 76 13 8 $amosFA 81 1 2 {l$~amosu 91 1 1 wa{l$~amosi Matches: 33 ChapterNumber VerseNumber TokenNumber Token ------------- ----------- ----------- ----- 2 189 3 {lo>ahil~api 6 77 3 {loqamara 6 96 7 wa{loqamara 7 54 21 wa{loqamara 10 5 6 wa{loqamara 12 4 12 wa{loqamara 13 2 14 wa{loqamara 14 33 4 wa{loqamara 16 12 6 wa{loqamara 21 33 7 wa{loqamara 22 18 14 wa{loqamaru 25 61 10 waqamarFA 29 61 9 wa{loqamara 31 29 15 wa{loqamara 35 13 11 wa{loqamara 36 39 1 wa{loqamara 36 40 7 {loqamara 39 5 15 wa{loqamara 41 37 6 wa{loqamaru 41 37 11 liloqamari 54 1 4 {loqamaru 55 5 2 wa{loqamaru 71 16 2 {loqamara 74 32 2 wa{loqamari 75 8 2 {loqamaru 75 9 3 wa{loqamaru 84 18 1 wa{loqamari 91 2 1 wa{loqamari Matches: 28
Given the different morphological and lexical forms possible for the Sun and the Moon, a straightforward string comparison would not return the correct results. The above program uses the following search criteria:
- For the sun search, using Buckwalter transliteration we search for the substring "$~amos" (sun) or the exact token "$amosFA" (a sun).
- For the moon search, we search look for the substring "qamar" (moon) or the exact token "lo>ahil~api" (crescents).
The program output above shows that under these search conditions, there are 28 results for the moon search, and 33 results for the sun search.
See Also
- Java API Examples
- Search API - Documentation explaining how to perform searches