Welcome to the Quranic Arabic Corpus, an annotated linguistic resource for the Holy Quran.
This page shows seven parallel translations in English for the 24th verse of
chapter 30 (sūrat l-rūm).
Click on the Arabic text to below to see word by word details of the verse's morphology.
Chapter (30) sūrat l-rūm (The Romans)
Sahih International: And of His signs is [that] He shows you the lightening [causing] fear and aspiration, and He sends down rain from the sky by which He brings to life the earth after its lifelessness. Indeed in that are signs for a people who use reason.
Pickthall: And of His signs is this: He showeth you the lightning for a fear and for a hope, and sendeth down water from the sky, and thereby quickeneth the earth after her death. Lo! herein indeed are portents for folk who understand.
Yusuf Ali: And among His Signs, He shows you the lightning, by way both of fear and of hope, and He sends down rain from the sky and with it gives life to the earth after it is dead: verily in that are Signs for those who are wise.
Shakir: And one of His signs is that He shows you the lightning for fear and for hope, and sends down water from the clouds then gives life therewith to the earth after its death; most surely there are signs in this for a people who understand
Muhammad Sarwar: Also, of the evidence of His existence are His showing you lightening which gives you fear and hope and His sending water down from the sky which revives the earth after its death. In this there is evidence (of the truth) for the people of understanding.
Mohsin Khan: And among His Signs is that He shows you the lightning, by way of fear and hope, and He sends down water (rain) from the sky, and therewith revives the earth after its death. Verily, in that are indeed signs for a people who understand.
Arberry: And of His signs He shows you lightning, for fear and hope, and that He sends down out of heaven water and He revives the earth after it is dead. Surely in that are signs for a people who understand.