The translations below are brief glosses intended as a guide to meaning. An Arabic word may have a range of meanings depending on context. Click on a word for more linguistic information, or to suggestion a correction.
Results 1 to 9 of 9 for pos:v (iv) root:اوي (in 0.006 seconds):
(8:26:12) faāwākum | then He sheltered you | فَآوَاكُمْ وَأَيَّدَكُمْ بِنَصْرِهِ وَرَزَقَكُمْ مِنَ الطَّيِّبَاتِ |
(8:72:12) āwaw | gave shelter | وَالَّذِينَ آوَوْا وَنَصَرُوا أُولَٰئِكَ بَعْضُهُمْ أَوْلِيَاءُ بَعْضٍ |
(8:74:9) āwaw | gave shelter | وَالَّذِينَ آوَوْا وَنَصَرُوا أُولَٰئِكَ هُمُ الْمُؤْمِنُونَ حَقًّا |
(12:69:5) āwā | he took | وَلَمَّا دَخَلُوا عَلَىٰ يُوسُفَ آوَىٰ إِلَيْهِ أَخَاهُ |
(12:99:5) āwā | he took | فَلَمَّا دَخَلُوا عَلَىٰ يُوسُفَ آوَىٰ إِلَيْهِ أَبَوَيْهِ |
(23:50:6) waāwaynāhumā | and We sheltered them | وَآوَيْنَاهُمَا إِلَىٰ رَبْوَةٍ ذَاتِ قَرَارٍ وَمَعِينٍ |
(33:51:5) watu'wī | or you may take | تُرْجِي مَنْ تَشَاءُ مِنْهُنَّ وَتُؤْوِي إِلَيْكَ مَنْ تَشَاءُ |
(70:13:3) tu'wīhi | sheltered him | وَفَصِيلَتِهِ الَّتِي تُؤْوِيهِ |
(93:6:4) faāwā | and give shelter | أَلَمْ يَجِدْكَ يَتِيمًا فَآوَىٰ |
See Also
- Quran Dictionary - the root hamza wāw yā
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