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Verse (46:26), Word 15 - Quranic Grammar


The fifteenth word of verse (46:26) is divided into 2 morphological segments. A noun and possessive pronoun. The noun is masculine and is in the nominative case (مرفوع). The noun's triliteral root is sīn mīm ʿayn (س م ع). The attached possessive pronoun is third person masculine plural.

Chapter (46) sūrat l-aḥqāf (The Curved Sand-hills)

their hearing
N – nominative masculine noun
PRON – 3rd person masculine plural possessive pronoun
اسم مرفوع و«هم» ضمير متصل في محل جر بالاضافة

Verse (46:26)

The analysis above refers to the 26th verse of chapter 46 (sūrat l-aḥqāf):

Sahih International: And We had certainly established them in such as We have not established you, and We made for them hearing and vision and hearts. But their hearing and vision and hearts availed them not from anything [of the punishment] when they were [continually] rejecting the signs of Allah ; and they were enveloped by what they used to ridicule.

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Language Research Group
University of Leeds