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Verse (8:15) - English Translation


Welcome to the Quranic Arabic Corpus, an annotated linguistic resource for the Holy Quran. This page shows seven parallel translations in English for the fifteenth verse of chapter 8 (sūrat l-anfāl). Click on the Arabic text to below to see word by word details of the verse's morphology.


Chapter (8) sūrat l-anfāl (The Spoils of War)

Sahih International: O you who have believed, when you meet those who disbelieve advancing [for battle], do not turn to them your backs [in flight].

Pickthall: O ye who believe! When ye meet those who disbelieve in battle, turn not your backs to them.

Yusuf Ali: O ye who believe! when ye meet the Unbelievers in hostile array, never turn your backs to them.

Shakir: O you who believe! when you meet those who disbelieve marching for war, then turn not your backs to them.

Muhammad Sarwar: Believers, do not retreat when facing the marching army of the unbelievers, for no believer will turn back at that time except for strategic reasons or to join another band.

Mohsin Khan: O you who believe! When you meet those who disbelieve, in a battle-field, never turn your backs to them.

Arberry: O believers, when you encounter the unbelievers marching to battle, turn not your backs to them.

See Also

Language Research Group
University of Leeds