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Verse (3:90) - English Translation


Welcome to the Quranic Arabic Corpus, an annotated linguistic resource for the Holy Quran. This page shows seven parallel translations in English for the 90th verse of chapter 3 (sūrat āl ʿim'rān). Click on the Arabic text to below to see word by word details of the verse's morphology.


Chapter (3) sūrat āl ʿim'rān (The Family of Imrān)

Sahih International: Indeed, those who reject the message after their belief and then increase in disbelief - never will their [claimed] repentance be accepted, and they are the ones astray.

Pickthall: Lo! those who disbelieve after their (profession of) belief, and afterward grow violent in disbelief: their repentance will not be accepted. And such are those who are astray.

Yusuf Ali: But those who reject Faith after they accepted it, and then go on adding to their defiance of Faith,- never will their repentance be accepted; for they are those who have (of set purpose) gone astray.

Shakir: Surely, those who disbelieve a,fter their believing, then increase in unbelief, their repentance shall not be accepted, and these are they that go astray.

Muhammad Sarwar: Those who disbelieve, after having been believers and increase their disbelief, are lost and their repentance will not be accepted.

Mohsin Khan: Verily, those who disbelieved after their Belief and then went on increasing in their disbelief (i.e. disbelief in the Quran and in Prophet Muhammad SAW) - never will their repentance be accepted [because they repent only by their tongues and not from their hearts]. And they are those who are astray.

Arberry: Surely those who disbelieve after they have believed and then increase in unbelief -- their repentance shall not be accepted; those are the ones who stray.

See Also

Language Research Group
University of Leeds