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Verse (4:91), Word 27 - Quranic Grammar


The 27th word of verse (4:91) is divided into 2 morphological segments. A resumption particle and demonstrative pronoun. The connective particle wa is usually translated as "then" or "so" and is used to indicate a sequence of events. The demonstrative pronoun is second person masculine plural.

Chapter (4) sūrat l-nisāa (The Women)

And those -
REM – prefixed resumption particle
DEM – 2nd person masculine plural demonstrative pronoun
الواو استئنافية
اسم اشارة

Verse (4:91)

The analysis above refers to the 91st verse of chapter 4 (sūrat l-nisāa):

Sahih International: You will find others who wish to obtain security from you and [to] obtain security from their people. Every time they are returned to [the influence of] disbelief, they fall back into it. So if they do not withdraw from you or offer you peace or restrain their hands, then seize them and kill them wherever you overtake them. And those - We have made for you against them a clear authorization.

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Language Research Group
University of Leeds