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Verse (20:80), Word 1 - Quranic Grammar


The first word of verse (20:80) is divided into 2 morphological segments. A vocative particle and noun. The noun is masculine plural and is in the accusative case (منصوب). The noun's triliteral root is bā nūn yā (ب ن ي).

Chapter (20) sūrat ṭā hā

O Children of Israel!
VOC – prefixed vocative particle ya
N – accusative masculine plural noun → Children of Israel
أداة نداء
اسم منصوب

Verse (20:80)

The analysis above refers to the 80th verse of chapter 20 (sūrat ṭā hā):

Sahih International: O Children of Israel, We delivered you from your enemy, and We made an appointment with you at the right side of the mount, and We sent down to you manna and quails,

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Language Research Group
University of Leeds