The translations below are brief glosses intended as a guide to meaning. An Arabic word may have a range of meanings depending on context. Click on a word for more linguistic information, or to suggestion a correction.
Results 1 to 8 of 8 for Sheep (in 0.000 seconds):
(6:143:4) l-ḍani | the sheep | ثَمَانِيَةَ أَزْوَاجٍ مِنَ الضَّأْنِ اثْنَيْنِ وَمِنَ الْمَعْزِ اثْنَيْنِ |
(6:146:10) wal-ghanami | and the sheep | وَمِنَ الْبَقَرِ وَالْغَنَمِ حَرَّمْنَا عَلَيْهِمْ شُحُومَهُمَا |
(20:18:9) ghanamī | my sheep | قَالَ هِيَ عَصَايَ أَتَوَكَّأُ عَلَيْهَا وَأَهُشُّ بِهَا عَلَىٰ غَنَمِي |
(21:78:10) ghanamu | sheep | وَدَاوُودَ وَسُلَيْمَانَ إِذْ يَحْكُمَانِ فِي الْحَرْثِ إِذْ نَفَشَتْ فِيهِ غَنَمُ الْقَوْمِ |
(38:23:7) naʿjatan | ewe(s) | إِنَّ هَٰذَا أَخِي لَهُ تِسْعٌ وَتِسْعُونَ نَعْجَةً |
(38:23:9) naʿjatun | ewe | وَلِيَ نَعْجَةٌ وَاحِدَةٌ فَقَالَ أَكْفِلْنِيهَا وَعَزَّنِي فِي الْخِطَابِ |
(38:24:5) naʿjatika | your ewe | لَقَدْ ظَلَمَكَ بِسُؤَالِ نَعْجَتِكَ |
(38:24:7) niʿājihi | his ewes | إِلَىٰ نِعَاجِهِ وَإِنَّ كَثِيرًا مِنَ الْخُلَطَاءِ لَيَبْغِي بَعْضُهُمْ عَلَىٰ بَعْضٍ |
See Also
- Quran Dictionary - the root ḍād hamza nūn
- Sheep - Ontology of Quranic concepts
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- Morphological Search