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Verse (71:1), Word 6 - Quranic Grammar


The sixth word of verse (71:1) is a subordinating conjunction.

Chapter (71) sūrat nūḥ

SUB – subordinating conjunction حرف مصدري

Verse (71:1)

The analysis above refers to the first verse of chapter 71 (sūrat nūḥ):

Sahih International: Indeed, We sent Noah to his people, [saying], "Warn your people before there comes to them a painful punishment."

See Also

11 messages


12th May, 2011

this is not actually ان masdariyyah . This is an ان which is used to show the maquwlah without using the verb, it changes the sentence type as well (from khabariyyah to inshaaiyyah)

also there is no governing by this ان otherwise andhir (the command verb ) would be in nasb which is not possible because amr haadhir (mukhaatabah) m'aruwf is al-mabniy al-asly , and ان masdariyyah is one of the huruwf naasibah (particles which govern verbs to be mansuwb) they are (ان لن كي ءذن an,lan,kay and idhan) and some say theres a couple others, theres ikhtilaf about it)

b.t.w , im referring to the first ان not the second .




12th May, 2011

Salamu Alaykum,

The primary reference we use for i'rab (grammar) on this website's is Salih's al-irab al-muffasal. In volume 12, page 178, he states that this is a special case, where by he considered the word in this verse to be harf masdaree ghair naasib. Please see this link where you can view this page and Salih's analysis for this word online. I'm happy to consider an alternative analysis. Do you think something is wrong in this case?

Mazhar A. Nurani

12th May, 2011

Salam Kais,

He also states what others describe this particle as

أن" تفسيرية، والجملة بعدها مفسرة للإرسال،

This is equivalent to [أَيْ] i.e. and is followed by some statement, like say without the use of word say.

Abdul Rahman

12th May, 2011

Our primary reference actually gives three alternative analyses for this one particle! I prefer the third, in agreement with Bro. Mazhar. This is also the view of of Dr Abduh al-Rajhi and Dr M. B. Abdel Jalil in their "Duroos fi al-I3raab" (Vol. 5) Dar al-Nahdah al-Arabiyya, Beirut, p. 11


12th May, 2011

Kais, well, just the classification of what that ان is,might be not so correct, there are more than one type of ان, like ان naafiyah . Its just that its not masdary in anyway. its not giving the masdar meaning. Most probably what Mazhar found is correct .

wa-llaahu a'alam



12th May, 2011

Shall we change the tagging of this word to be INT = Particle of Interpretation = Harf Tafseer?

Mazhar A. Nurani

12th May, 2011

Salam, Kais,

Yes it is better. Also matches tagging in 2:125:16

Mazhar A. Nurani

12th May, 2011

You have already done this in 10:2:9 where context is also identical.


12th May, 2011

Okay thanks - inshallah we will tag this as INT in the next version of the website.


12th May, 2011

actually it wouldn't be equivalent totally with أي as ان will be between two sentences with some other functions to it, changing the sentence type and maybe some others. أي has its own function but their both for tafseer.

just wanted to correct myself, i said ان naafiyah, i was thinking about IN naafiyah, i dont think there is an AN naafiyah.

Mazhar A. Nurani

12th May, 2011



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Language Research Group
University of Leeds