Uses of Class

Packages that use DiacriticType
org.jqurantree.arabic Models ArabicText as a sequence of characters with diacritics, with an internal ByteFormat used to represent character data. 
org.jqurantree.arabic.encoding Contains interfaces and supporting base classes for Arabic encoders and decoders. 

Uses of DiacriticType in org.jqurantree.arabic

Fields in org.jqurantree.arabic declared as DiacriticType
static DiacriticType[] DiacriticType.values
          An ordered array of diacritic types.

Methods in org.jqurantree.arabic that return DiacriticType
static DiacriticType DiacriticType.valueOf(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
static DiacriticType[] DiacriticType.values()
          Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.

Methods in org.jqurantree.arabic with parameters of type DiacriticType
 void ArabicTextBuilder.add(CharacterType characterType, DiacriticType... diaciritcTypes)
          Appends a new character with attached diacritics to the end of the buffer.
 void ArabicTextBuilder.add(DiacriticType diacriticType)
          Attaches a diacritic to the last character in the buffer.
static boolean ByteFormat.isDiacritic(byte[] buffer, int offset, DiacriticType diacriticType)
          Determines if a diacritic is present.
static boolean ByteFormat.isSingleDiacritic(byte[] buffer, int offset, DiacriticType diacriticType)
          Determines if only a single diacritic is attached.
 boolean ArabicCharacter.isSingleDiacritic(DiacriticType diacriticType)
          Determines if only a single diacritic is attached.
static void ByteFormat.setDiacritic(byte[] buffer, int offset, DiacriticType diacriticType)
          Sets a diacritic as present.

Uses of DiacriticType in org.jqurantree.arabic.encoding

Methods in org.jqurantree.arabic.encoding with parameters of type DiacriticType
protected  void EncodingTableBase.addItem(UnicodeType unicodeType, char ch, CharacterType characterType, DiacriticType diacriticType)
          Adds an Arabic character with an attached diacritic to the table.
protected  void EncodingTableBase.addItem(UnicodeType unicodeType, char ch, DiacriticType diacriticType)
          Adds a diacritic to the table.

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