Package org.jqurantree.arabic.encoding

Contains interfaces and supporting base classes for Arabic encoders and decoders.


Interface Summary
ArabicDecoder Interface for classes which decode ArabicText.
ArabicEncoder Interface for classes which encode ArabicText.

Class Summary
ArabicDecoderBase ArabicDecoderBase is an abstract base class providing a common implementation for ArabicText decoders.
ArabicEncoderBase ArabicEncoderBase is an abstract base class providing a common implementation for ArabicText encoders.
EncodingFactory The EncodingFactory supports the creation of ArabicEncoder and ArabicDecoder instances.
EncodingTableBase EncodingTableBase provides a common implementation for tables used by table-driven encoders and decoders of ArabicText.

Enum Summary
EncodingOptions The EncodingOptions enumeration specifies which options to use when encoding or decoding ArabicText.
EncodingType The EncodingType enumeration specifies which encoding scheme to use when encoding or decoding ArabicText.

Package org.jqurantree.arabic.encoding Description

Contains interfaces and supporting base classes for Arabic encoders and decoders.

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