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Verb Concordance


The list of verbs shown below is grouped by root and form, and sorted by root. Words which are not verbs, including participles and verbal nouns, are listed in a seperate lemma list. Click on a translation to see all occurrences of an Arabic verb. The translations given below are brief summaries (glosses). An Arabic verb may have a range of meanings depending on context (see translation accuracy).

Verbs 601 to 650 of 1475:

Verb Root Form Frequency Translation
يُسْمِنُ س م ن IV 1 to nourish
سَمَّىٰ س م و II 8 to name
يَتَسَنَّهْ س ن ه V 1 to change with time
سَاهَمَ س ه م III 1 to draw
سَآءَ س و ا I 30 to be evil
أَسَآءَ س و ا IV 5 to do evil
ٱسْوَدَّتْ س و د IX 2 to become black
تَسَوَّرُ س و ر V 1 to climb over
يُسِيغُ س و غ IV 1 to swallow
سِيقَ س و ق I 7 to drive
سَوَّلَ س و ل II 4 to entice, to suggest
يَسُومُ س و م I 4 to afflict
تُسِيمُ س و م IV 1 to pasture
تُسَوَّىٰ س و ي I 1 to level
سَوَّىٰ س و ي II 13 to fashion, to proportion
سَاوَىٰ س و ي III 1 to level
ٱسْتَوَىٰٓ س و ي VIII 35 to be equal, to be alike, to establish
سِيحُ س ي ح I 1 to move about
سَارَ س ي ر I 16 to travel
سُيِّرَتْ س ي ر II 5 to move
سَالَتْ س ي ل I 1 to flow
أَسَلْ س ي ل IV 1 to cause flow
شُبِّهَ ش ب ه II 1 to make appear
تَشَٰبَهَ ش ب ه VI 4 to look alike, to seem alike
شَجَرَ ش ج ر I 1 to arise
تَشْخَصُ ش خ ص I 1 to stare
شَدَدْ ش د د I 6 to strengthen
ٱشْتَدَّتْ ش د د VIII 1 to blow furiously
شَرِبَ ش ر ب I 15 to drink
أُشْرِبُ ش ر ب IV 1 to make drink
شَرَحَ ش ر ح I 5 to expand, to open
شَرِّدْ ش ر د II 1 to disperse
شَرَعَ ش ر ع I 2 to ordain
أَشْرَقَتِ ش ر ق IV 1 to shine
شَارِكْ ش ر ك III 1 to be a partner
أَشْرَكَ ش ر ك IV 71 to associate partners
شَرَ ش ر ي I 4 to sell
ٱشْتَرَىٰ ش ر ي VIII 21 to buy, to purchase, to exchange
تُشْطِطْ ش ط ط IV 1 to be unjust
يَشْعُرُ ش ع ر I 25 to perceive, to realize
يُشْعِرُ ش ع ر IV 2 to perceive, to be aware
ٱشْتَعَلَ ش ع ل VIII 1 to flare
شَغَفَ ش غ ف I 1 to impassion
شَغَلَتْ ش غ ل I 1 to keep busy
يَشْفَعُ ش ف ع I 5 to intercede
أَشْفَقْ ش ف ق IV 2 to fear, to be afraid
يَشْفِ ش ف ي I 2 to heal, to cure
شَقَقْ ش ق ق I 2 to make difficult, to cleave
شَآقُّ ش ق ق III 7 to oppose
يَشَّقَّقُ ش ق ق V 3 to split

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Language Research Group
University of Leeds