Package org.jqurantree.orthography

Contains an orthography object model of the Holy Quran, with orthographic elements represented by the classes Document, Chapter, Verse and Token.


Class Summary
Chapter One of the 114 chapters in the Holy Quran, with a unique chapter name and number.
Document The top-level class in the orthography model, providing a structured representation of the entire text of the Holy Quran.
Location The location of an element in the orthography model, consisting of a chapter number, verse number and token number.
Token An orthographic token is whitespace-delimited ArabicText within a verse.
Verse The verse class represents one of the numbered verses in a chapter.

Package org.jqurantree.orthography Description

Contains an orthography object model of the Holy Quran, with orthographic elements represented by the classes Document, Chapter, Verse and Token.

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