Uses of Class

Packages that use Token
org.jqurantree.orthography Contains an orthography object model of the Holy Quran, with orthographic elements represented by the classes Document, Chapter, Verse and Token

Uses of Token in org.jqurantree.orthography

Methods in org.jqurantree.orthography that return Token
 Token Verse.getToken(int tokenNumber)
          Gets a token in the verse by token number.
static Token Document.getToken(int chapterNumber, int verseNumber, int tokenNumber)
          Gets a token in the document by chapter, verse and token number.
 Token Verse.getToken(Location location)
          Gets a token in the verse by Location reference.
static Token Document.getToken(Location location)
          Gets a token in the document by Location reference.

Methods in org.jqurantree.orthography that return types with arguments of type Token
 java.lang.Iterable<Token> Verse.getTokens()
          Gets an iterator used to enumerate over all tokens in the verse.
static java.lang.Iterable<Token> Document.getTokens()
          Gets an iterator used to enumerate over all tokens in the document.

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