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Verse (82:2), Word 2 - Quranic Grammar


The second word of verse (82:2) is a masculine plural noun and is in the nominative case (مرفوع). The noun's quadriliteral root is kāf wāw kāf bā (ك و ك ب).

Chapter (82) sūrat l-infiṭār (The Cleaving)

the stars
N – nominative masculine plural noun → Star اسم مرفوع

Verse (82:2)

The analysis above refers to the second verse of chapter 82 (sūrat l-infiṭār):

Sahih International: And when the stars fall, scattering,

See Also

4 messages

Femmy Syahrani

2nd May, 2012

What is the difference between kawākibu and nujūmu? They both mean stars. Thank you.

Abdul Rahman

18th May, 2012

"Kawakib" are planets with light reflected from the sun, seen from the earth as a "star" which gives steady light, now twinkling like real stars (nujum) which gives off its own light, like the sun. That is one possible explanation. Wallahu a'alam. Notice that here the stars are "scattered" (82:2:3) whereas in 81:2:3 the stars (nujum) lose their light. This seems to be consistent with the fact that planets are made up of solids that can break into pieces, whereas stars are composed of burning gases. Again, wa Allahu a'alam.

Mazhar A. Nurani

18th May, 2012

We find mention of specific Planets in the Classical works about the above statement in 6:76

Learned Al Qurtabi said: و رأي المشتري أو الزهرة

And he saw either Jupiter or Venus

Al Jalalain said: هو الزهرة

"That is Venus"

Who was right and precise?

The difference between Venus and Jupiter is that Venus after three hours of Sunset disappears from the Sky and is not visible till three hours before Sunrise. However, Jupiter, when it is visible from Earth, does not disappear but remains visible on the Sky. Grand Qur'aan informs us that the Planet towards which he drew the attention of his people, later on disappeared from the scene.

Thereafter, when the planet disappeared from the scene he said to them, "I do not like to consider as master those who disappear from the scene". [Refer 6:76]

It is conspicuously stated that Sydena Iebra'heim عليه السلام had seen the celestial object in the Sky when Night had spread darkness veiling his surroundings. In the darkness of night, one does not see a single star in the Sky but quiet a large number of stars are visible to naked eye. One celestial object he saw in the darkness of that Night was Planet, the direct object of verb signifying seeing with naked eye.


19th May, 2012

Salam Abdul Rahman and Mazhar. Thank you both for your high quality responses to this question!

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Language Research Group
University of Leeds