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Verse (7:38), Word 10 - Quranic Grammar


The tenth word of verse (7:38) is a masculine noun and is in the genitive case (مجرور). The noun's triliteral root is jīm nūn nūn (ج ن ن).

Chapter (7) sūrat l-aʿrāf (The Heights)

the jinn
N – genitive masculine noun → Jinn اسم مجرور

Verse (7:38)

The analysis above refers to the 38th verse of chapter 7 (sūrat l-aʿrāf):

Sahih International: [Allah] will say, "Enter among nations which had passed on before you of jinn and mankind into the Fire." Every time a nation enters, it will curse its sister until, when they have all overtaken one another therein, the last of them will say about the first of them "Our Lord, these had misled us, so give them a double punishment of the Fire. He will say, "For each is double, but you do not know."

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Language Research Group
University of Leeds