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Verse (65:12), Word 4 - Quranic Grammar


The fourth word of verse (65:12) is a masculine noun and is in the accusative case (منصوب). The noun's triliteral root is sīn bā ʿayn (س ب ع).

Chapter (65) sūrat l-ṭalāq (The Divorce)

N – accusative masculine noun اسم منصوب

Verse (65:12)

The analysis above refers to the twelfth verse of chapter 65 (sūrat l-ṭalāq):

Sahih International: It is Allah who has created seven heavens and of the earth, the like of them. [His] command descends among them so you may know that Allah is over all things competent and that Allah has encompassed all things in knowledge.

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Language Research Group
University of Leeds