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Verse (48:20), Word 13 - Quranic Grammar


The thirteenth word of verse (48:20) is divided into 3 morphological segments. A conjunction, particle of purpose and verb. The prefixed conjunction wa is usually translated as "and". The prefixed particle lām is used to indicate the purpose of an action and makes the following verb subjunctive. The imperfect verb (فعل مضارع) is third person feminine singular and is in the subjunctive mood (منصوب). The verb's triliteral root is kāf wāw nūn (ك و ن). The verb (تكون) belongs to a special group of words known as kāna and her sisters (كان واخواتها).

Chapter (48) sūrat l-fatḥ (The Victory)

that it may be
CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)
PRP – prefixed particle of purpose lām
V – 3rd person feminine singular imperfect verb, subjunctive mood
الواو عاطفة
اللام لام التعليل
فعل مضارع منصوب

Verse (48:20)

The analysis above refers to the twentieth verse of chapter 48 (sūrat l-fatḥ):

Sahih International: Allah has promised you much booty that you will take [in the future] and has hastened for you this [victory] and withheld the hands of people from you - that it may be a sign for the believers and [that] He may guide you to a straight path.

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Language Research Group
University of Leeds