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Verse (41:6), Word 11 - Quranic Grammar


The eleventh word of verse (41:6) is an indefinite masculine singular adjective and is in the nominative case (مرفوع). The adjective's triliteral root is wāw ḥā dāl (و ح د).

Chapter (41) sūrat fuṣṣilat (Explained in Detail)

ADJ – nominative masculine singular indefinite adjective صفة مرفوعة

Verse (41:6)

The analysis above refers to the sixth verse of chapter 41 (sūrat fuṣṣilat):

Sahih International: Say, O [Muhammad], "I am only a man like you to whom it has been revealed that your god is but one God; so take a straight course to Him and seek His forgiveness." And woe to those who associate others with Allah -

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Language Research Group
University of Leeds