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Quranic Arabic Corpus - Data Download


To download version 0.4 of the Quranic Arabic Corpus morphological data, please enter a contact e-mail address. This is for verification purposes only, and will not be made public or given to any third parties:

By downloading this data, you agree to the terms and conditions of the GNU License.

#  Quranic Arabic Corpus (Version 0.4)
#  Copyright (C) 2011 Kais Dukes
#  License: GNU General Public License
#  The Quranic Arabic Corpus includes syntactic and morphological
#  annotation of the Quran, and builds on the verified Arabic text
#  distributed by the Tanzil project.
#  - Permission is granted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
#    of this file, but CHANGING IT IS NOT ALLOWED.
#  - This annotation can be used in any website or application,
#    provided its source (the Quranic Arabic Corpus) is clearly
#    indicated, and a link is made to http://corpus.quran.com to enable
#    users to keep track of changes.
#  - This copyright notice shall be included in all verbatim copies
#    of the text, and shall be reproduced appropriately in all works
#    derived from or containing substantial portion of this file.
#  Please check updates at: http://corpus.quran.com/download
Language Research Group
University of Leeds