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Verse (48:29), Word 37 - Quranic Grammar


The 37th word of verse (48:29) is divided into 2 morphological segments. A conjunction and verb. The prefixed conjunction fa is usually translated as "and". The form VIII perfect verb (فعل ماض) is third person masculine singular. The verb's triliteral root is sīn wāw yā (س و ي).

Chapter (48) sūrat l-fatḥ (The Victory)

and it stands
CONJ – prefixed conjunction fa (and)
V – 3rd person masculine singular (form VIII) perfect verb
الفاء عاطفة
فعل ماض

Verse (48:29)

The analysis above refers to the 29th verse of chapter 48 (sūrat l-fatḥ):

Sahih International: Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah ; and those with him are forceful against the disbelievers, merciful among themselves. You see them bowing and prostrating [in prayer], seeking bounty from Allah and [His] pleasure. Their mark is on their faces from the trace of prostration. That is their description in the Torah. And their description in the Gospel is as a plant which produces its offshoots and strengthens them so they grow firm and stand upon their stalks, delighting the sowers - so that Allah may enrage by them the disbelievers. Allah has promised those who believe and do righteous deeds among them forgiveness and a great reward.

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Language Research Group
University of Leeds