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Verse (31:10), Word 27 - Quranic Grammar


The 27th word of verse (31:10) is an indefinite masculine singular adjective and is in the genitive case (مجرور). The adjective's triliteral root is kāf rā mīm (ك ر م).

Chapter (31) sūrat luq'mān

ADJ – genitive masculine singular indefinite adjective صفة مجرورة

Verse (31:10)

The analysis above refers to the tenth verse of chapter 31 (sūrat luq'mān):

Sahih International: He created the heavens without pillars that you see and has cast into the earth firmly set mountains, lest it should shift with you, and dispersed therein from every creature. And We sent down rain from the sky and made grow therein [plants] of every noble kind.

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Language Research Group
University of Leeds