Package org.jqurantree.arabic

Models ArabicText as a sequence of characters with diacritics, with an internal ByteFormat used to represent character data.


Class Summary
ArabicCharacter An ArabicCharacter is a single letter or Quranic symbol within ArabicText, including any attached diacritics.
ArabicText ArabicText is an immutable sequence of ArabicCharacters.
ArabicTextBuilder The ArabicTextBuilder class is used to construct ArabicText by wrapping a mutable sequence of ArabicCharacters.
ByteFormat ByteFormat is a support class which is used to decode the internal byte format of ArabicText.

Enum Summary
CharacterType The CharacterType enumeration specifies which letter or symbol an ArabicCharacter has, such as Alif or Ba.
DiacriticType The DiacriticType enumeration specifies the type of diaciritcs attached to an ArabicCharacter, such as Fatha or Kasra.

Package org.jqurantree.arabic Description

Models ArabicText as a sequence of characters with diacritics, with an internal ByteFormat used to represent character data.

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