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Verse (48:2) - Grammar (إعراب)


Welcome to the Quranic Arabic Corpus, an annotated linguistic resource for the Holy Quran. This page shows the Arabic grammar (إعراب) for the second verse of chapter 48 (sūrat l-fatḥ). The information below is adapted from the grammatical analysis at the Quran printing complex.


Chapter (48) sūrat l-fatḥ (The Victory)

المصدر المؤول «ليغفر» مجرور متعلق بـ«فَتَحْنَا»، الجار «من ذنبك» متعلق بحال من فاعل «تقدَّم»، «صراطا» مفعول ثانٍ.

See Also

Language Research Group
University of Leeds